Thrixen in the News
BARDA partners with Thrixen to develops multiplex diagnostic test for Ebola and Malaria

BARDA is partnering with Thrixen for early product development of a multiplex, rapid, point-of-care (PoC) diagnostic that distinguishes between orthoebolaviruses (Zaire and Sudan) and malaria.
Thrixen develops diagnostic test to detect bacterial vs. viral infections

On the heels of a $7 million seed round, Singapore-based medical technology startup Thrixen Pte Ltd. is accelerating development of its diagnostic technology platform that has the potential to perform multiplex diagnostic tests at the point of care.
Thrixen Raises $7M Seed Round

HEALTH-TECH startup Thrixen has raised US$7 million in a round co-led by new investors 22Health Ventures, an early-stage health-tech investment firm, and John Ballantyne, co-founder of leading biotech player Aldevron.
Thrixen selected for MedTech Innovator 2023 Cohort

Thrixen selected as one of 24 companies to participate in the 2023 cohort of the fourth annual MedTech Innovator Asia Pacific Accelerator program.
Preprint MedrXiv

Finger stick blood test to assess post vaccination SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody response against variants
Portfolio Magazine - Profile

"A scientist and her team are on the final stage of developing COVID-19 tests that are simple and easy to use, and offering quick and reliable results"
Channel News Asia Report

Thrixen Co-Founder Dr. Jia Huan Interview on Channel News Asia - "New rapid test can determine how protected one is against COVID-19"
Communications Medicine

A rapid simple point-of-care assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies